Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Protest about the abolition of language courses at University of Canberra

Where?  Lawns of Parliament House, Canberra

When: Friday 12 July, starting at 4pm.  

For more information see 

LINGUA LOCA: Workshop for poets who write in a language other than English

10 am - 5.30pm, Sunday 4 August, Gorman House Arts Centre.

Only 12 free places available!

Applicants must write a paragraph about themselves,  including cultural background and send a copy of a poem that they have written, in English, no more than two pages in length, to the ACT Writers Centre at by Friday, July 26. Enquiries to 6262 9191. 

A joint project between the ACT Writers Centre and the Community Cultural Inclusion Officer - Tuggeranong Arts Centre