Saturday, November 29, 2014

Teaching and learning pronunciation in the FL/L2 class

After a period of neglect, the explicit –integrated– teaching of pronunciation is enjoying a revival. Initially championed by researchers in TESOL, the importance of this component (alongside core grammar, lexicon, pragmatics, reading, writing, social customs, etc.) is steadily finding its way back into the pedagogy of other languages, including Spanish.

This talk is an invitation to reflect upon the need for adequate teaching and learning of pronunciation at different levels (and thus with different goals) in order to improve our students’ competency in the goal language. It revolves around the nature of ‘pronunciation’, expected content, setting goals and models in the classroom. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Canberra Region Languages Forum Update November 2014

Some information about language-related activities and issues that may be of interest
  • ANU Language Teaching Forum, Wednesday 5 November 2014, 4.15–5.15pm
  • Celebrate Canberra’s languages at Weston Park, Sunday 30 November 2014: 12 noon to 3pm. 
  • Official launch of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, Monday 24 November 2014: 1.15pm 
  • The place of languages in the ACT Multicultural Framework 2014-2018
  • What can the ACT learn from Victoria's new Love of Language website?
  • Eleven languages curricula now available in the Australian Curriculum
  • New China/Canberra scholarship will send students to Shenzhen
  • 2014 ACT Japanese Speech Contest a Success
  • Languages Australia: Bilingual Children & Bilingual Shop
  • Tongues: an online multilingual magazine celebrating and publishing writing in all languages and about all cultures. 
To see more details click HERE