Monday, December 5, 2016

Our languages, a national resource, in 'terminal decline, SBS special report

Disconcerting report from SBS, 5 December 2016.

Our languages, a national resource, in 'terminal decline', SBS special report

Australia is losing the riches of its many languages. Even school children from immigrant families are abandoning the study of their mother tongues. In the nation’s most multicultural state, researchers claim students are being “punished” with the scaling down of their HSC marks.

Canberra Region Languages Forum Update December 2016

Some news and information about languages and languages-related activities, especially in the Canberra region.
  1.  Ideas to make Canberra a multilingual city
  2. A chance to promote languages at the Multicultural Festival, 19 February 2017
  3. Mother Tongue: Multilingual Poetry at the Canberra Multicultural Fringe 18 February 2017
  4. Language programs at Canberra schools in the news: Preschool and Mawson Primary and Telopea and the National Gallery   
  5. More opportunities to learn more languages on campus and/or online through the ANU in 2017
  6. New Canberra Academy of Languages
  7. Balai Bahasa Indonesia (ACT):
  8. Upcoming events and courses at the Alliance Française de Canberra
  9. Nominate an outstanding language teacher in Australia for the 2017 Patji-Dawes Award
  10. Languages of the Pacific and indigenous Australia at the Canberra Museum and Gallery
  11. Be: longing, new online publication launched in Canberra
  12. 2017 National NAIDOC Theme - Our Languages Matter
  13. Articles and links that may be of Interest:
For more details, click HERE