Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Canberra Moon Festival 21 to 23 September

All welcome to this multicultural celebration with a focus on Asian food, languages and cultural activities.

  • Friday 21 September to Sunday 23 September
  • EPIC, Flemington Road, Canberra
  • Fun activities for all ages  
  • Free entry and free parking 
ACTBEA is assisting ACT Libraries to offer a number of free story telling sessions for families with young children. Here is the draft timetable

                             Saturday 22 September              Sunday 23 September

10.30  -  11.00am        Mandarin                                      Mandarin
11.00  -  11.30am        Vietnamese                                   Vietnamese
11.30  -  12 noon          Mandarin                                     Mandarin
12 noon - 12.30pm       Burmese                                       Burmese  
12.30  -  1.00pm           Hindi                                             Hindi
1.00    -   1.30pm          Indonesian                                    Indonesian
1.30    -  2.00pm           Japanese                                       Japanese
2.00    -   2.30pm          Thai                                              Thai
2.30   -    3.00pm          Literary Chinese                            Literary Chinese

For more information about the Canberra Moon Festival http://www.canberramoonfestival.com.au/

Thursday, August 9, 2018

ANU Language Teaching Forum

Resyllabification in Spanish and its impact on spoken word boundary detection
  • José María Lahoz-Bengoechea, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
  • Tuesday 14 August 5pm-6pm
  • Baldessin Precinct Building ANU Room 3.03
Spanish exhibits processes of resyllabification that provoke misalignments between word boundaries and syllabic structure. That happens when word-initial vowels are re-grouped with the end of the previous word (e.g. mis amigos ‘my friends’ is syllabified mi.sa.mi.gos). This misalignment poses serious difficulties to students of Spanish as a second language when it comes to processing someone else’s speech, because it may take them too long to segment the continuum into words.
All interested teachers and learners of languages welcome  
Enquiries: email manuel.delicado@anu.edu.au

Monday, August 6, 2018

International Workshop at ANU: How are languages learned?

  • Do you teach a language?
  • Are you trying to learn a language?
  • Are you interested in the latest research findings about language learning and teaching?
This two-day event features public lectures and master classes by some of the world’s leading experts in language learning:
  • Monday 17 September and Tuesday 18 September 1pm-4pm
  • Sir Roland Wilson Building at ANU, 120 McCoy Circuit
Free, but registration required - see https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/how-are-languages-learned-international-workshop-tickets-48266149352
Presented by the School of Culture, History and Language in collaboration with the School of Languages, Literature and Linguistics at ANU with funding from the Asia-Pacific Innovation Program (APIP) by the College of Asian and the Pacific (CAP).
For more information email yanyin.zhang@anu.edu.au