A short update with some language related news and activities
- Languages Party Canberra, Glebe Park Sunday 1 December
- Tongue Tied and Fluent: exploring Australia through the many languages we speak: interesting series of programs on ABC RN
- News from the Canberra Academy of Languages (CAL): Year 11 and 12 Tamil program from 2020 and budget proposal to strengthen languages education in the ACT:
- Series of short videos from the ANU to help students become successful university language learners
- Connecting CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) teachers, Special Interest Group established by the AFMLTA and ALL UK
- Interpreters and translators in Australia invited to take part in a national Survey on Translation and Interpreting Professional Development
Full details can be accessed HERE
If you have feedback, contributions for future updates, or would like to join the mailing list for these occasional updates, please send an email to languagesact@gmail.com
If you have feedback, contributions for future updates, or would like to join the mailing list for these occasional updates, please send an email to languagesact@gmail.com