- Languages
and emergency planning and response
- An example from Australia
- Lessons
from China
- Opportunities
for online language learning and language practice
- Programs for adults in the ACT area
- Programs for children in the ACT area
- For
fun songs and stories in various languages for children on You Tube: ACTBEA Facebook
- Mother
Tongue multilingual poetry
- Results
of the Languages
at the Festival Competition
- Update
on the Independent review on investment in ACT community language schools
- International
Conference on Community/heritage Language Education at University of
Sydney postponed until 2021.
Full details can be accessed HERE
If you have feedback, contributions for future updates, or would like to join the mailing list for these occasional updates, please send an email to languagesact@gmail.com
If you have feedback, contributions for future updates, or would like to join the mailing list for these occasional updates, please send an email to languagesact@gmail.com