Upcoming Activities
- International Mother Language Day – Walk and celebration Sunday 20 February
- Mother Tongue Multilingual Poetry Night Monday 21 February 2022 7pm – 8.30pm
- Call to action following government response to independent review of Investment in ACT Community Language Schools
- Spanish Australian Preschool in Redhill
- Canberra Academy of Languages (CAL) senior secondary programs in French, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish and Tamil
- Languages at ANU
- Tok Pisin Language and culture
- Immersive short Micro-credential 4 – 8 April 2022 (online)
- Semester-long courses (online)
- Introduction to Gamilaraay
- New online course in Classical Chinese
- Portuguese now offered online via Zoom, contact the convenor: Fabricio.Tocco@anu.edu.au.
- Diploma of Languages, Convener contact: Ashok.Collins@anu.
edu.au - More about ANU language programs
- French with the Alliance Française
- Fun vocational Indonesian classes
- Mandarin Community Tutoring Project
- More language learning opportunities in the ACT for adults and children
Other news
- Research study on the vitality of Spanish in Australia seeking Spanish-speaking parents
- National languages contest for secondary school students
- UK research showing the benefits of valuing multilingualism in schools
If you have feedback, contributions for future updates, or would like to join the mailing list for these occasional updates, please email languagesact@gmail.com