Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Languages in the draft ACT Multicultural Recognition Act

The ACT Multicultural Recognition Act is a new law in the ACT to demonstrate the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity in our community.

Feedback from community consultations held in 2021 included a call for more specific recognition of the importance of languages and linguistic diversity. The government has listened. For example, number 7 of the 8 proposed Principles in the Multicultural Charter reads:

  • language is central to the preservation and appreciation of cultural identity, and you are free and are supported to use, preserve and promote your language
The government is now calling for community comment on the draft Act. 

To voice your ideas about languages and to see and comment on other parts of the Act, including proposals about how the ACT government and its Directorates should liaise with the community to promote and implement the vision enshrined in the Act, see

That page has quick links to how you can share your views through:
  1. Leaving a quick comment
  2. Completing a survey
  3. Uploading a submission
  4. Attending a consultation session
  5. Sending feedback directly to